First-year students
Transfer students
  • 如果你在高中毕业后完成了一门或更多的大学课程, you will apply as a transfer student.
  • 如果你已经完成了华盛顿大学的副学士学位, 俄勒冈州, 或加州地区认可的大学或两年制学院, 你的学位可以满足共同课程和探索课程的要求. Find out if you have a direct transfer degree.
Application deadlines
如果你想... First year application deadline Transfer application deadline
Autumn Quarter 2024 (Early Action)* December 1, 2023 2024年4月1日
Autumn Quarter 2024 (Regular Extended) February 15, 2024 2024年7月1日
Winter Quarter 2024 November 15, 2023 November 15, 2023
Spring Quarter 2024 February 1, 2024 February 1, 2024

*早期行动申请人将优先考虑经济援助, an application fee waiver, and a fast admissions decision.

More personal

“I quickly learned to appreciate the smaller, more contained, 在课堂内外对SPU有更多的个人感受, 尤其是与西澳大学庞大的校园和内城相比.”

Israel Branham ’20

感谢你对在网易彩票下载攻读本科学位的兴趣. We look forward to reviewing your application. 网易彩票app将在一周内与您联系,告知您申请流程的下一步.

If you applied with the Common Application, you can check the status of your SPU application beginning two days after submission. After your application has been processed, 您将收到一封电子邮件(发送到您在申请中提供的地址),其中包含创建帐户的说明. 您将被引导到登录屏幕,并将被提示输入您用于应用程序的电子邮件地址. 如果您忘记了您的帐户密码,您可以通过点击“忘记您的密码”重置它?".

How to check your application status

  1. To check the progress of your SPU application, log in to the SPU Portal.
  2. Once you have logged onto your status page, 您将能够查看有关您的申请和更新基本联系信息的信息.
  3. You’ll be able to view your application checklist. Here you will see:
    • All items that have been received and processed*
    • 任何尚未收到或处理的所需项目
  4. A message will display when your application is complete.

*如果您提交的项目未列出,则可能仍在处理中. 请注意,网易彩票app的办公室可能需要2-4周的时间才能收到和处理考试成绩.


If you have ever applied to SPU, 或者你是否曾经作为一名被录取的学生就读于SPU, 您不必再次填写SPU申请或通用申请! Instead, you can 在这里申请. This is a simple, 简短的申请表,告诉网易彩票app自从你上次申请或参加SPU以来你都在做什么.

Do you qualify for reapplication?

This is for students who have either:

  1. 过去已完成SPU申请或通用申请, 并打算在下一学年重新申请网易彩票下载.*
  2. 以前在SPU作为一名被录取的学生完成了课程, but have not enrolled at SPU for four quarters or more, including summer.**

If you do not qualify under either of these options, you can still apply to SPU using the SPU Application.

*已获录取的学生,希望在与原申请相同的学年内更改计划入学的季度, 请向本科招生办公室申请换钱.

**只有与SPU分开四个季度或以上的SPU学生才需要重新申请, including summer. If you have been away for three or fewer quarters, please work with the Office of the Registrar to re-enroll.

Reapplication checklist

Submit the following:

  • Reapply for admission with this shortened application
  • 自上次申请/就读SPU以来完成的课程的正式成绩单.
  • 最后的高中成绩单:只有在你上次申请SPU后高中毕业,并且你完成了少于45个大学水平的季度学分(30个学期学分)时才需要。.

根据网易彩票下载的新考试录取政策, 申请2023和2024学年的学生现在可以在不提供SAT或ACT成绩的情况下申请. 请参阅下面的细节,例外情况和分数报告说明.

How to opt out of providing SAT/ACT scores

To apply without providing test scores, 在完成SPU的申请时,请选择“我不希望我的SAT/ACT成绩被考虑入学”.

政策 exceptions and considerations


  • Although not required, 网易彩票app建议提交考试成绩,以考虑网易彩票app的杰出学者奖,并直接进入商学院的任何专业, 政府, 和经济学, or the Nursing major.
  • 考试成绩也可能是考虑州内匹配学者承诺的有用因素. Students must have a 3.7-3.99 GPA(未加权)和考试成绩(SAT 1270+或ACT 27+),或3.9-4.0 GPA (unweighted)
  • While recommendations are not required for admission, 网易彩票app强烈建议选择不提交考试成绩的学生提供两份推荐信(至少一份学术推荐信)。.
  • 对于选择不提交考试成绩的学生,建议进行面试,但不是必需的.
  • 来自提交书面评估而不是书面成绩的学校的学生需要提交考试成绩.
  • 虽然网易彩票app不要求考试成绩申请荣誉课程, 网易彩票app强烈推荐他们作为一个有用的学术准备措施.

Will this affect my scholarships and financial aid?

Apart from the scholarships listed above, 非应试学生将被充分考虑其优点和基于需求的资助.

How to submit test scores

对于希望在申请时提交官方考试成绩的学生, SPU will accept scores reported in the following ways:

Superscoring SAT/ACT scores

网易彩票下载将对ACT或SAT考试成绩进行超级评分. This means that if you took a test more than once, 网易彩票app将把你在不同日期的考试中取得的最高分数线结合起来. 网易彩票app还将在所有测试之间使用您的最高总超分测试进行审查. If you have taken the test multiple times, 网易彩票app强烈建议您将所有成绩发送到SPU,以便审查您的最佳总体考试成绩. Seattle Pacific does not accept SAT subject scores.

What's my application type?

准备开始申请程序,但不确定你是大一学生还是转学生? 网易彩票app.